BCPG’s policy is to pay out dividends to the shareholders at a rate of at least 40% of the net profit.

Reported in the Company’s separate financial statements after deduction of all reserves required by its Articles of Association and applicable laws.

Reported in the Company’s separate financial statements after deduction of all reserves required by its Articles of Association and applicable laws. The Board’s resolutions on dividend payout will be submitted for approval of shareholders’ meetings, except interim dividends, which can be authorized by the Board but must be reported in the subsequent shareholders’ meeting. Generally, dividend payment is subject to the current economic situation, BCPG’s cash flow and the BCPG Group’s investment plans, and other concerns considered appropriate by the Board

Board Date X-Date Payment Date Dividend Type Dividend (per Share) Unit Operation Period Source of Dividend
20/02/25 05/03/25 22/04/25 Cash Dividend 0.18 Baht 01/07/24-30/12/24 Operating period from 01-Jul-2024 to 31-Dec-2024
20/08/24 02/09/24 13/09/24 Cash Dividend 0.10 Baht 01/01/24-30/06/24 Operating period from 01-Jan-2024 to 30-Jun-2024
20/02/24 04/03/24 22/04/24 Cash Dividend 0.15 Baht 01/07/23-31/12/23 Operating period from 01-Jul-2023 to 31-Dec-2023
22/08/23 04/09/23 15/09/23 Cash Dividend 0.10 Baht 01/01/23-30/06/23 Operating period from 01-Jan-2023 to 30-Jun-2023
20/02/23 03/03/23 21/04/23 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/07/22-31/12/22 Operating period from 01-Jul-2022 to 31-Dec-2022
16/08/22 30/08/22 09/09/22 Cash Dividend 0.20 Baht 01/01/22-30/06/22 Operating period from 01-Jan-2022 to 30-Jun-2022
15/02/22 03/03/22 22/04/22 Cash Dividend 0.17 Baht 01/07/21-31/12/21 Operating period from 01-Jul-2021 to 31-Dec-2021
24/08/21 07/09/21 17/09/21 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/01/21-30/06/21 Operating period from 01-Jan-2021 to 30-Jun-2021
07/04/21 03/03/21 21/04/21 Cash Dividend 0.17 Baht 01/07/20-31/12/20 Operating period from 01-Jul-2020 to 31-Dec-2020
18/08/20 31/08/20 14/09/20 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/01/20-30/06/20 Operating period from 01-Jan-2020 to 30-Jun-2020
19/11/19 03/12/19 17/12/19 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/07/19-30/09/19 Operating period from 01-Jul-2019 to 30-Sep-2019
20/08/19 03/09/19 13/09/19 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/04/19-30/06/19 Operating period from 01-Apr-2019 to 30-Jun-2019
21/05/19 04/06/19 14/06/19 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/01/19-31/03/19 Operating period from 01-Jan-2019 to 31-Mar-2019
20/02/19 06/03/19 22/04/19 Cash Dividend 0.64 Baht 01/10/18-31/12/18 Operating period from 01-Oct-2018 to 31-Dec-2018
27/11/18 07/12/18 20/12/18 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/07/18-30/09/18 Operating period from 01-Jul-2018 to 30-Sep-2018
21/08/18 03/09/18 13/09/18 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/04/18-30/06/18 Operating period from 01-Apr-2018 to 30-Jun-2018
22/05/18 05/06/18 15/06/18 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/01/18-31/03/18 Operating period from 01-Jan-2018 to 31-Mar-2018
27/02/18 13/03/18 08/05/18 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/10/17-31/12/17 Operating period from 01-Oct-2017 to 31-Dec-2017
29/08/17 08/09/17 22/09/17 Cash Dividend 0.15 Baht 01/04/17-30/06/17 Operating period from 01-Apr-2017 to 30-Jun-2017 and retained Earnings
30/05/17 12/06/17 26/06/17 Cash Dividend 0.15 Baht 01/01/17-31/03/17 Operating period from 01-Jan-2017 to 31-Mar-2017 and retained Earnings
27/02/17 09/03/17 20/04/17 Cash Dividend 0.15 Baht 01/10/16-31/12/16 Operating period from 01-Oct-2016 to 31-Dec-2016
13/12/16 26/12/16 09/01/17 Cash Dividend 0.15 Baht 01/07/16-30/09/16 Operating period from 01-Jul-2016 to 30-Sep-2016
17/10/16 28/10/16 11/11/16 Cash Dividend 0.39 Baht 01/01/16-30/06/16 Net profit and retained earnings