09 November 2022

BCPG announces Q3/2022 performance

BCPG Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries announced their operating results in Q3/2022 with a 14.1% operating profit increase from Q2/2022, resulting in the Company’s 9-month operating profit and net profit of THB 1,692 million and THB 2,334 million respectively.

According to Niwat Adirek, President and CEO of BCPG, the Company, in Q3/2022, could achieve a 14.1% increase in operating profit from Q2/2022 due to High Season in Laos which led to robust performance of hydropower plants; Nam San 3A and Nam San 3B.

BCPG’s 9-month operating profit reached THB 1,692 million from four major contributors. First contributor was revenue recognition of three new solar power plants, with total production capacity of 65 MW, in Japan, namely, Chiba1 project, Komagane project and Yabuki project, in November 2021, March 2022 and April 2022 respectively. The Company also achieved higher revenue from better performance of solar power plants in Thailand. In addition, BCPG’s CMU Smart City Project has already started commercial operations. Last contributor was an increase in Ft charge rate.

The 9-month net profit was THB 2,334 million, a 31.6% increase from previous year. This was due to the profit from the divestment in Star Energy Group Holdings Pte Ltd. (SEGHPL) in Q1/2022.