31 March 2020

BCPG to postpone the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and approve the payment of interim dividend

BCPG’s Board of Directors approves the postponement of 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and the interim dividend payment from the Company’s profit as of December 2019 at the rate of 0.16 Baht per share.

Mr. Bundit Sapianchai, BCPG President, stated that due to the severe outbreak of COVID-19 in Thailand and the government’s request for the private sector to carefully consider public gathering activities, which may promote the pandemic of the virus, the Company has been closely monitoring the situation and always puts a high priority on safety and well-being of shareholders and employees. The Company is more concerned that existing precautionary measures may not be sufficiently practical for risk prevention. Therefore, to avoid posing risk to meeting attendees, the Company’s Board of Directors approved on March 30, 2020, as follows;

  1. The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), previously scheduled on April 9, 2020, will be postponed and all the agenda items with the meeting will be cancelled. The postponement will not cause any impact on the Company’s business operations, including the interim dividend payment to shareholders. The Board of Directors will consider new appropriate date for AGM in accordance with the betterment of the situation and will inform the shareholders afterwards.
  2. Instead of annual dividend payment intended to propose for approval at the AGM, the Board of Directors approved the payment of interim dividend from the Company’s profit as of December 2019 at the rate of 0.16 Baht per share only to the entitled shareholders who have been listed on the Record Date on March 4, 2020. The payment will be made on April 17, 2020.

The Company apologizes for the immediate announcement on the postponement of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The Company will continuously monitor the situation and find possible alternatives allowed by the law in order to hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as soon as possible.