03 April 2020

Precaution and prevention measures against Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia of BCPG Public Company Limited

  1. Reduce risks of infection and develop a safe workplace by raising self-awareness on the spread of COVID-19. Employees must declare their health conditions and other possible risk factors through self-declaration form.
  2. Ensure workplace hygiene by cleaning the workplace regularly, providing sanitizing hand rub dispensers in prominent places, and giving surgical masks and hand sanitizers for every employee.
  3. Implement Health Insurance for every employee with coverage for the infection or death due to the disease.
  4. Establish the ad-hoc committee, “BCPG BCM”, to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and any impacts on business operations and partners, as well as finding appropriate solutions to cope with the case for sustainable growth of the Company.
  5. Maintain work performance among employees, and between employees and partners by formulating and adopting “Work from Home” policy. Employees are provided with efficient tools, gadgets, and software while adjusting the standard work process to a full online work process with a decrease in the workflow, e.g., e-Memo.
  6. Ask for cooperation from employees not to expose themselves to risky places announced by the government and to avoid public gathering activities.
  7. Impose lockdown on Power Plants across the country and allow only an engineer and two operators to maintain plant performance for one month. Meanwhile, another group of employees is formed and adopts the Work from Home policy to coordinate with the agencies involved.
  8. Categorize employees into a group according to their level of risk of infection to effectively manage the case and inform all parties involved. The four levels of the threat are as follows: Level 1 - an infected employee, Level 2 - an employee who had direct contact with an infected person, Level 3 – an employee who had an indirect contact with an infected person, Level 4 – an employee who is not in good condition but cannot guarantee whether he/she is infected or not.
  9. Conduct Financial Stress Tests in some instances such as cost reduction or cash flow and business maintenance in a crisis for 9-12 months ahead.
  10. Prevent transmission of COVID-19 from outsiders, all activities with business partners will be made through an online system with high-security measures. In case online activities are impossible, the outsiders must declare themselves through self-declaration form and temperature check, and always put on surgical masks during such events.
  11. Continuously communicate with business partners and stakeholders of news and knowledge on preparedness in the COVID-19 situation.
  12. Set up a platform for employees to share their opinions on best practices in COVID-19 cases such as work performance maintenance or disease prevention.