BCPG announces the investment in 99 MW wind power plants in Gia Lai, Vietnam

BCPG Public Company Limited, a leading renewable energy company in Thailand and Asia Pacific, signed Share Purchase Agreement worth THB 4,500 million to invest in two wind power projects, with total production capacity of 99 MW, in Gia Lai, Vietnam. The share purchase transaction is expected to be complete within the first quarter of 2025.
Niwat Adirek, President and CEO of BCPG, disclosed that on November 22, 2024, the Company signed Share Purchase Agreement to invest in the two wind power projects - Che Bien Tay Nguyen Wind Power Plant Project (49.5 MW) and Phat Trien Mien Nui Wind Power Plant Project (49.5 NW) - with total production capacity of 99 MW, in Gia Lai, Vietnam. The Company expects to complete the share purchase transaction by Q1/2025.
“The investment is in line with BCPG’s strategy to expand our renewable power business and strengthen our revenue and stable returns to shareholders in the long run. After the transaction, the two power plants will start commercial operations immediately to generate cash flow for the Company”, Niwat said.