Our Approach
The Group is committed to becoming a leading sustainable energy company with corporate sustainability, taking into consideration the benefits of and impacts on all stakeholder groups in its value chain.
In 2022, BCPG established a "Corporate Sustainability Committee" to formulate a corporate sustainability policy. strategy and plans consistent with the policy, strategy and operational goals of the Group, support processes which promote sustainability in all business activities of the Group, promote a sustainability culture and report progress of implementation to the public. The committee consists of representatives from relevant units and regularly and directly reports progress of the implementation to the Corporate Governance and Committee.
The Group has expanded the scope of duties and responsibility of the Corporate Governance Sustainable Development Committee to cover the Company's corporate sustainability related to good governance, society and environment. The Committee provides recommendations and direction, reviews the sustainability policy and plans, as well as monitors information disclosure to comply with international regulations and standard or the industry's standards.
In addition, the Group has a Sustainable Development section under the Corporate Strategy to ensure integration of sustainability and strategic planning, and closely monitors the implementation to be in compliance with good sustainability development practices and to achieve sustainability goals at the international level.