Sustainability Strategy

For the attainment of our corporate vision and missions, BCPG conducts its business according to the 4E Strategy (Expanding, Extending, Enhancing, and Evaluating), and believes that this will respond to the current competition and the ever-faster changing environment.
We take into consideration the application of innovation, the availability of knowledge, the management of the supply chain, and the business expansion, all in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
- Expanding: BCPG’s focus is on the growth of its core business by developing utility-scale power plant projects from inception (Organic Growth), and the acquisition of projects that are already commercially operated (Inorganic Growth).
- Extending: BCPG extends its business to accommodate the aims of the energy business in the future, moving into new businesses that are related to its core business, e.g. the digital energy business, the energy storage business, and the LNG to power business.
- Enhancing: BCPG continues to develop and enhance its power plants, and these include the operating processes, to achieve the maximum efficiency.
- Evaluating: BCPG ensures that its assets are efficiently managed by evaluating the performance and its investment portfolio on a regular basis, to achieve satisfactory returns.

BCPG believes that a sound and sustainable business operation must be coupled with the social development and responsibility of the organization.
In light of this aspect, BCPG emphasizes its participation in social responsibility in every sector, internally in the organization (employees), and externally in society (communities) so as to build a stronger society in the long term. The social development framework is based on the dissemination of the knowledgebase of affiliated businesses direct to communities and society, and the application of new learning in developing communities and supporting social activities, for example, providing communities with access to clean energy via various projects of the BCPG group; occupational safety and health hazards, human rights schemes for the employees and communities around the project areas; and the acceptance of organizational versatility and diversity. BCPG has defined its policies, for example; the policy on human rights, and the policy on supervision of compliance with policies via channels for lodging complaints on ethical issues in the organization.

BCPG emphasizes the energy transition and has resolved to be a role model in producing electricity from clean energy and giving consideration to the impact of climate change, economizing its use of resources (circular economy), and caring for the environment.
Additionally, BCPG will not invest in any fossil fuel projects with a high carbon dioxide emission, and will ensure that state-of-the art equipment and technology are introduced to every power plant to ensure an optimum efficient operation. Power plants that have commenced their commercial operations are registered in the carbon footprint project to encourage the indirect use of clean energy.

With an awareness of the importance of good corporate governance, BCPG has adopted the Principles of Good Corporate Governance established by the Stock Exchange of Thailand as guidelines in its operations, in order to ensure that its management is efficient, transparent, and accountable, and to build confidence and trust for all shareholders, investors, stakeholders, and other concerned parties.
In addition, BCPG pays special attention to managing major risks and adopts COSO’s Risk Management Framework in the application of data from every business line in assessing strategic risks, financial risks, as well as environmental, social, and governance risks (ESG) and emerging risks. Risk coordinators are nominated for every department to cooperate with the Corporate Strategy Department and to jointly issue an enterprise-wide risk management plan, which is then proposed to the Risk Management Committee and the Board of Directors, and also to monitor and report the quarterly progress of risk management.